My FLP, My First Love

Sabtu, 14 November 2015

Abaikan omongan-omongan yang menjatuhkanmu!!!

Raih Cita-Citamu, Raih Suksesmu

Sudah lama saya menonton video mengenai kisah seekor katak. Kali ini saya akan menceritakannya lewat tulisan ini. Sangat menginspirasi.
Pada suatu hari ada segerombolan katak-katak kecil yang menggelar lomba lari. Tujuannya adalah mencapai puncak sebuah menara yang sangat tinggi. Penonton berkumpul bersama mengelilingi menara untuk menyaksikan perlombaan, dan member semangat kepada para peserta perlombaan. Tak satu pun penonton benar-benar percaya bahwa katak-katak kecil akan bisa mencapai puncak menara.
Terdengar suara: “oh, jalannya terlalu sulitttttt! Mereka tidak akan pernah sampai ke puncak” kata salah satu penonton.
Ada juga yang berteriak “tidak ada kesempatan untuk berhasil, menaranya terlalu tinggi!!!” Katak-katak kecil mulai berjatuhan satu persatu”
Penonton terus bersorak, “terlalu sulit!!! Tak seorang pun akan berhasil”
Lebih banyak lagi katak kecil lelah dan menyerah. Tapi ada satu yang melanjutkan hingga semakin tinggi dan tinggi. Dia tak akan menyerah!
Akhirnya yang lain telah menyerah untuk menaiki menara. Kecuali satu katak kecil yang telah berusaha keras menjadi satu-satunya yang berhasil mencapai puncak.
Banyak peserta bertanya, “bagaimana caranya katak yang berhasil menemukan kekuatan untuk mencapai tujuan?”
Ternyata, katak yang menjadi pemenang itu  TULI.
Kita ambil hikmah dari kisah tersebut, ya!
Jangan pernah mendengar orang lain yang hanya bisa berbicara saja. Karena segala sesuatu yang kamu dengar dan baca bisa mempengaruhi perilakumu.
Dan yang terpenting…
Berlakulah tuli jika orang berkata padamu bahwa kamu tidak bisa mencapai cita-citamu.


Kamis, 12 November 2015

Bagaimana Agar Anak Berprestasi?

Bagaimana Agar Anak Berprestasi?

Teringat saat-saat pembagian raport dulu waktu saya menjadi wali kelas 7C Ibnu Rusyid dan sekarang 7D Umar bin Khattab di SMPIT Al-Fawwaz. Hampir 90% orangtua tidak puas terhadap anaknya. Ini yang membuat saya membuat tulisan ini.

Pembagian raport dimulai jam delapan pagi. Satu persatu orangtua mendatangi saya kemudian curhat apa yang ingin mereka curhat kepada saya, selaku wali kelas anaknya.

“Assalamualaikum. Silahkan duduk, Bu!” saya mempersilahkan. Seperti biasanya, saya menunjukan dan menjelaskan nilai-nilai yang di dapat sang anak.
“Astagfirullah. Aduuuuuuh kok nilainya kecil-kecil sih, Mister?”
“Emang ya anak saya yang satu ini. Susah banget belajar. Tiap hari saya harus ngomel-ngomel melulu”
“saya tanya tiap hari begini. ‘Kamu tuh enggak pernah ada PR, apa? Kerjaannya tiduran terus. Bagaimana kamu mau berprestasi?’ ehhh dia malah jawab ‘Mama kepo nih. Mau tahu terus. Nanti juga aku belajar.’ kan saya sebal kalau anak saya begitu”

Saya mendengarkan baik-baik. Memang, ketika ada orang yang ingin curhat, kita harus mendengarkannya dengan seksama sambil memberikan solusi atau saran.

“Mr.Apen, bagaimana ya caranya biar anak saya berprestasi? Saya kan mau kalau anak saya pintar matematika, IPA, Bahasa Inggris, atau pelajaran-pelajaran lainnya. Pokoknya anak saya harus berprestasi”

Ayah-Bunda, Papa dan Mama wali murid ….
Mari kita perjelas dulu, apakah prestasi itu?

Rata-rata orang tua menganggap anaknya berprestasi bila tiap semester meraih juara kelas atau lulus sekolah dengan nilai sempurna.

Oke, kalau definisinya begini, pertanyaan saya: kalau sudah begitu, mau jadi apa?
Mungkin jawabnya, “jadi membuat bangga orang tua”
Pertanyaan saya lagi, “kalau sudah bangga, terus apa?”
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini yang harus terus kita ajukan, karena hidup adalah untuk mencari tujuan. Selama tujuan itu belum didapat, kita belum benar-benar hidup.

Sebaiknya, tanyakanlah pada si anak:
“kamu mau jadi apa, Nak? Apa pun cita-citamu, jadilah yang terbaik di bidang itu. Apabila kamu ingin jadi petugas dinas kebersihan sekalipun, lakukanlah, asalkan kamu menjadi yang terbaik di bidang tersebut. Jadilah petugas yang membuat kota-kota di Jepang, bahkan ikan koi bisa hidup tenang dalam selokan tanpa harus tercemari oleh sampah rumah tangga.”

Jadi, prestasi pertama bagi seorang anak adalah menemukan tujuan hidup atau profesi impiannya.
Selanjutnya, prestasi adalah pencapaian terbaik dalam hal yang paling kita sukai. Menjadi yang terbaik dalam bidang yang kita pilih, itulah prestasi sejati.

Dan, ini tak ada kaitannya dengan nilai-nilai di sekolah. Pencapaian nilai di sekolah itu adalah pengkerdilan atau penyesatan prestasi.

Bagaimana seharusnya prestasi anak itu?
Anak yang berprestasi adalah anak berbahasa dengan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan tidak pernah menggunakan kata “Elu dan Gue”, juga bahasa-bahasa slank lainnya. Kemudian responsif jika dimintai pertolongan oleh orangtuanya, dan sering membantu pekerjaan rumah tangga, mulai dari menyapu, mengepel, mencuci, hingga menyetrika.

Kemudian anak yang jujur adalah prestasi berikutnya, apa Ayah-Bunda tidak bahagia jika memiliki anak yang jujur dalam kata-kata dan perbuatan? Pernah saya melihat dua anak Al-Fawwaz berjalan pulang sekolah kemudian mereka menemukan uang. Salah seorang mengambilnya, lalu seorang lainnya mencegah.

“jangan pernah mengambil sesuatu yang bukan milik kita apapun alasannya”. Subhanallah, apa Ayah-Bunda tidak bangga memiliki anak seperti itu?

Pun ketika acara Open House sekolah SMPIT Al-Fawwaz ketika salah seorang anak mengajak jajan temannya, kemudian akan mentraktirnya jika mau menemaninya. Anak itu tidak pernah mau menerima pemberian uang dari orang lain yang tidak jelas peruntukannya. Dan, inilah sikap awal antimengemis dan korupsi. Mereka juga anak-anak yang taat aturan sekolah.

Dalam bergaul mereka selalu mengajak teman-temannya untuk berbuat baik dan ini mampu mengubah sikap dan perilaku beberapa teman mereka yang kurang baik.

Kemudian siapa yang tidak senang kalau anaknya gemar mengaji, dan mengajinya tanpa disuruh, kemudian sholat wajib tepat waktu. Artinya prestasi anak ini sangat gemilang sekali. Kemudian, mana lebih berprestasi, berprestasi di mata Allah atau berprestasi dengan nilai-nilai yang besar?
Sekali lagi, apa Ayah-Bunda masih merasa anak Anda tidak berprestasi? Apakah masih tidak bangga?

“maksud saya bukan prestasi yang itu, tapi prestasi semisal jadi juara kelas, atau juara umum di sekolah atau juara-juara lainnya?”

Prestasi sesungguhnya dalam kehidupan itu adalah berhasil memiliki etika perilaku moral, seperti beberapa hal yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya. Sementara prestasi-prestasi lainnya yang mungkin sering menjadi kebanggan orangtua, adalah prestasi SEMU.

Prestasi semacam itu hanya diingat orang sementara waktu dan akan terlupakan seiring dengan berlalunya waktu. Prestasi-prestasi semacam ini kelak hampir tidak berdampak apapun baki kesuksesan hidup, juga di kehidupan orang lain.

Sementara keberhasilan dalam kehidupan sebenarnya sangat bergantung pada etika, perilaku moral, apakah kita jujur dan bisa dipercaya. Sedangkan kepintaran itu mudah dilatih, dan jika tekun berlatih apapun bisa kita lakukan dengan baik dari waktu ke waktu.

Lucunya saat ini kita berada pada zaman dengan jumlah tenaga kerja melimpah (karena banyak jumlah pengangguran), tapi seolah sulit mencari tenaga kerja. Kenapa? Karena susah mencari orang baik, jujur, dan bisa dipercaya.

Jadi, saya kira tidak masalah jika Ayah-Bunda memiliki perbedaan persepsi dengan saya mengenai prestasi seorang anak. Boleh-boleh saja menekankan prestasi ranking di kelas. Akan tetapi, tidak semua anak menyukai semua pelajaran di sekolah. Tapi pilihlah salah satu dan fokuskanlah. Mari kita belajar dari potret bangsa yang mengagungkan prestasi-prestasi semu, ketimbang prestasi sejati, yakni etika, perilaku, dan moral. Lihat saja bagaimana potret bangsa kita sekarang.

Dalam pengamatan saya selama ini, dari buku-buku yang saya abaca mengenai orang sukses malah kebanyakan dari anak yang dianggap bermasalah dan gagal di sekolah (tidak berprestasi), tetapi mereka malah menjadi anak-anak yang luar biasa berprestasi! Kok, bisa?

Pada akhirnya, jauh lebih penting membangun etika, perilaku, atau karakter anak, terlebih dahulu kita bantu mereka menemukan potensi emas masing-masing yang sudah dibawa sejak lahir. Itulah resep utama dalam membimbing anak-anak.

Yang menarik dan perlu disadari oleh kita semua adalah, setiap anak sesungguhnya sudah membawa misi hidupnya masing-masing, berikut potensi, minat, dan bakatnya. Kita tinggal menemukan dan menyalurkan saja agar mereka kelak menjadi yang terbaik di bidangnya. Namun, tanpa etika, perilaku, moral, atau akhlak yang baik, semua prestasi yang diraihnya akan hancur dalam sekejap.

Lihatlah sekarang banyak mempertontonkan hal yang tidak beretika dan tidak bermoral. Tidakkah kita mengambil pelajaran dan hikmah dari semua kejadian ini? Memang tidak mudah untuk memahami ini dan mengubah mindset yang sudah ditanamkan oleh orangtua dan system sekolah kita selama bertahun-tahun tentang arti prestasi yang sesungguhnya bagi anak.

Jumat, 06 November 2015

Bagaimana Agar Anak Semangat Sekolah?

Bagaimana Agar Anak Semangat Sekolah?

Ini adalah tahun kedua saya menjadi wali kelas di SMPIT Al-Fawwaz Cikarang. Beragam anak saya ketahui karakternya. Terlebih sekarang mereka adalah remaja alias ABG. Masa ini adalah masa peralihan di mana sifat dan sikap mereka banyak berubah. Maka dari itu saya sering mendengarkan curhatan-curhatan para orangtua murid kepada saya. Seperti pagi ini.
Kriiiiiing..kriiiing…kriiiiing tiba-tiba ketika saya sisiran siap-siap berangkat ke sekolah handphone saya berbunyi.
“Assalamualaikum, Mr. Apen ini anak saya tidak mau sekolah. Gimana ini?” kata seorang ibu dalam telepon tersebut.
“Iya kenapa, Bu?” Tanya saya balik.
“Saya juga tidak tahu. Akhir-akhir ini saya sering berantem pagi-pagi sama anak saya. Susah banget kalau di suruh sekolah”
“Makin hari makin malas saja. Sebel saya jadinya” lanjutnya.
“Masa tiap pagi saya harus menggedor kamarnya sampai bangun membuka pintu. Belum lagi dia lamaaaaaa…sekali di kamar mandi.”
“Ini bagaimana, Mister?”
Yang bisa saya katakan: anak malas pergi sekolah adalah suatu AKIBAT. Karena itu, pasti ada penyebabnya. Ya, kan? Ada sebab, ada akibat. Ilmuwan Isaac Newton menyebutnya “ aksi dan reaksi”. Nah, tugas orangtua adalah mencari penyebabnya melalui proses telusur.
Proses telusur memerlukan kedekatan orangtua dan anak. Bila tidak dekat, bagaimana anak mau menceritakan penyebabnya? Hati-hati, jangan-jangan selama ini anak ingin bercerita, tetapi kita, orangtua yang telah memblokirnya.
Misalnya, anak berseloroh, “guruku galak banget, deh …”orangtua memblokir dengan berkata, “makanya jangan bandel. Kalau enggak bandel ya pasti enggak akan dimarahi guru.”
Atau anak mengeluh,” pelajaran matematika tuh nyebelin banget, sih!”
Orangtua lagi-lagi memblokir dengan, “kamu saja yang malas belajar kali”
Kalau begini, anak pasti enggan bercerita apa-apa pada ayah-bunda. Baru ngomong satu kalimat, ia sudah dinasihati dan dituding. Apalagi kalau cerita satu paragraf? Lebih baik tutup mulut deh, mungkin begitu pikir anak.
Jadi bagaimana orang tua  bisa melakukan proses telusur untuk mengungkap kenapa anak malas ke sekolah?
Bagaikan seorang wartawan, “wawancarailah” mereka. Bertanyalah pada anak tanpa pretensi, kepentingan, menuduh, apalagi menghakimi. Dengan begitu, mereka akan bicara terbuka dengan nyaman pada ayah bunda.
Jika anak kita kebetulan bertipe terbuka (apalagi jika hubungan Anda dan anak cukup dekat), biasanya dengan pertanyaan terbukapun ia akan langsung terpancing untuk bercerita banyak. Namun jika anak ayah bunda bersikap tertutup, pancinglah ia dengan pertanyaan pilihan ganda.
Suatu ketika saya pernah membantu seorang anak yang agak tertutup, katakanlah namanya Althav. Maka saya wawancarai ia dengan pertanyaan pilihan ganda untuk memancing ia bercerita.
“Benar Thav, kamu malas sekolah?” saya bertanya
“Iya, sebal” jawabnya singkat
“Yang bikin sebal berapa orang? Sedikit atau banyak?” pancing saya.
“Banyak” ia menjawab singkat.
“Wah, banyak ya. Siapa saja tuh? Guru, ya?”
Ia mengangguk.
“Gurunya banyak atau sedikit?
“Oooh… dua orang. Kalau teman ada juga, enggak?” Althav mengangguk lagi.
“Berapa orang?”
Sedikit demi sedikit saya mengorek keterangan darinya. Akhirnya terungkaplah penyebab utamanya mengapa Althav malas-malasan sekolah, yakni di-bully oleh sesama siswa. Seram, ya? Padahal sekolah tempat Althav belajar adalah sekolah keren, terkenal, dan mahal pula. Sekolah mahal memang bukan ajminan, ternyata, ya?
Setelah berhasil memancing Althav cerita, saya tidak memberika solusi. Nah, ini satu lagi kunci bicara pada remaja: tak perlu memberi solusi secara terang-terangan, tetapi berikanlah umpan . bila kita member solusi, kita berasumsi bahwa ia bodoh. Padahal anak-anak kita sangat cerdas dan paling tahu solusi masalahnya sendiri.
“Jadi, menurut kamu jalan keluarnya bagaimana, Thav?” tanya saya akhirnya.
“Hmm….” Ia tampak berpikir.
“apa kamu ingin pindah sekolah?”
“Atau kamu ingin pindah kelas?
Althav pun berpikir dan mengukur dirinya.
“Aku enggak mau pindah sekolah. Nanti harus penyesuaian diri lagi kalau pindah. Belum tentu enggak ketemu hal begitu lagi” jawab Althav setelah berpikir panjang.
Ujungnya Althav memutuskan untuk minta pindah kelas  dan belajar bela diri.
Setelah masalahnya terungkap dan anak kita sudah mendapatkan solusi untuk dirinya sendiri, selanjutnya Ayah-Bunda cukup cek dan cek ulang. Tanyakan sesekali padanya, “bagaimana di sekolah? Kamu bisa mengatasi, enggak?”
Saya ingat Larry King, pembawa acara terkenal Larry King Live di CNN berkata, “komunikator yang baik bukan mereka yang pandai bicara, melainkan mereka yang pintar bertanya”
Jadi, ketika berkomunikasi dengan anak-apalagi saat melakukan proses telusur-yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah bertanya, bertanya, dan bertanya. Namun, bertanyalah tanpa menghakimi anak. Satu kata seperti “kan” hanya akan membuat anak menutup diri.
Misalnya, “kamu pasti begitu, kan?” atau “pasti deh, kamu blab la bla….” Ini pilihan kata yang menghakimi. Jadi, aturlah agar pertanyaan, kalimat, nada, dan bahasa tubuh Anda tidak membuat anak merasa diadili. Dengan begitu, ia akan terbuka pada orangtuanya.

Selasa, 03 November 2015

Jadilah Orang Proaktif untuk Sukses

Jadilah Orang Proaktif untuk Sukses

Menjaga sikap atau perilaku tentu memerlukan berbagai latihan, kdang yang muncul dalam diri kita adalah sikap-sikap reaktif yang merugikan diri sendirir.  Sikap proaktif makin sulit diimplementasikan dalam situasi yang kritis, genting dan mendesak.  Namun hakikatnya Anda tetap mampu dan sanggup menjadikan sikap proaktif sebagai habits sehari-hari walau keadaan gawat dan ekstrim sekalipun.  Bagaimanapun sikap proaktif jauh lebih berhasil guna daripada sikap reaktif, dalam pengembangan diri Anda dan orang lain.
Dalam tahap lanjut dijelaskan bahwa perbedaan antara sikap proaktif dan sikap reaktif dibedakan dari fokus yang dilakukan.  Ada 2 jenis lingkaran dalam sikap hidup Anda, berdasarkan Buku Stephen R Covey, 7 Habits, yakni lingkaran pengaruh dan lingkaran kepedulian.
1.  Lingkaran pengaruh adalah hal-hal yang berada dalam pengaruh Anda sendiri dan dapat Anda kendalikan, manfaatkan atau daya gunakan.  Hal yang menjadi pilihan Anda baik langsung atau tidak langsung.  Hal-hal dalam lingkaran pengaruh diantaranya adalah : perkataan, sikap tubuh, tindakan, gerakan tangan dan kaki, sorot mata, suasana hati, perasaan dan emosi serta lainnya.  Hal yang mampu Anda pengaruhi sebagai pilihan adalah hal dalam lingkaran pengaruh.
2.  Lingkaran kepedulian adalah hal-hal yang berada di luar jangkauan Anda untuk dapat dipengaruhi dan mengikuti kehendak Anda.  Anda tidak mampu mempengaruhi sedikitpun Hal tersebut untuk sesuai dengan keinginan.  Hal-hal dalam lingkaran kepedulian hanya bisa disikapi dengan cara Anda membawa diri sendiri.  Semua faktor diluar kuasa Anda adalah hal yang masuk dalam Lingkaran kepedulian, seperti atasan, bawahan, rekanan, kolega, cuaca, jalan, lingkungan dan lainnya.  Kemampuan dan kemauan Anda menjaga sikap diri sendiri berdampak terhadap luas lingkaran kepedulian yang mengecil dan memperbesar lingkaran pengaruh.
Fokus sikap proaktif adalah pada diri sendiri, untuk menyesuaikan perbedaan terhadap lingkungan.  Sikap proaktif mengajak Anda menjadi pribadi dan individu yang adaptif, kreatif dan komunikatif.  Berikut contoh perbedaan implementasi sikap proaktif dan sikap reaktif dalam kehidupan sehari-hari demi sukses Anda:
a.  Inisiatif.
Sering Anda mendengar bahwa orang proaktif adalah tipe orang yang punya inisiatif dalam pekerjaannya.  Inisiatif adalah kemampuan seseorang untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi kemungkinan keadaan yang terjadi dari sebuah pekerjaannya di masa datang.  Inisiatif adalah sikap tidak menunggu apa yang akan terjadi sebelum bertindak.  Inisiatif adalah tindakan yang dilakukan berdasarkan nilai yang telah dipikirkan dengan cermat.  Sedangkan orang reaktif akan menunggu orang lain, lingkungan dan kondisi untuk menggerakkannya.
b.  Tanggung Jawab.
Sikap proaktif memiliki pandangan bahwa keadaan tidak akan mampu mengubah hasil pencapaian jika tidak melakukan perubahan sendiri.  Tanggung jawab adalah perbedaan signifikan antara sikap proaktif dengan sikap reaktif.  Sikap reaktif akan menyalahkan keadaan, lingkungan dan faktor lainnya, dengan mencari-cari alasan.
c.  Solutif.
Sikap proaktif mampu memberikan pemecahan yang beragam dalam menghadapi permasalahan.  sehingga tidak menjadi sebuah solusi tunggal dalam mengantisipasi kemungkinan yang terjadi.  Sikap proaktif mempunyai banyak alternatif solusi dari sebuah problematika, dengan analisa dan perhitungan matang.  Sikap reaktif cenderung kaku dengan solusi, berpikir singkat dan kurang perhitungan atau tergesa-gesa.
d.  Positif.
Setiap kerangka berpikir selalu diasumsikan dengan hal positif dan menjauhkan diri dari fokus pada kelemahan.  Inilah perbedaan lain sikap proaktif dan sikap reaktif.  Berpikir positif atau optimis dalam tindakan menjadikan orang dengan sikap proaktif makin handal melakoni tahapan sukses.

Sikap proaktif berarti menyadari bahwa Anda memiliki kebebasan memilih, dan memfokuskan diri pada lingkaran pengaruh untuk memperkecil lingkaran kepedulian.  Orang proaktif menomorduakan mood, perasaan, emosi, impulsif dan mengutamakan nilai-nilai hidup.  Jadilah orang proaktif untuk sukses.

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2015

Story Telling (Aladin and The Magic Lamp, Snow White, Pinnoccio)

According to Wikipedia, Storytelling is the conveying of events in words, and images, often by improvisation or embellishment. Stories or narratives have been shared in every culture as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation, and instilling moral values. Crucial elements of stories and storytelling include plot, characters and narrative point of view. The term 'storytelling' is used in a narrow sense to refer specifically to oral storytelling and in a looser sense to refer to narrative technique in other media.
Now, let’s begin to learn story telling!

Aladdin and the Magic LampAladdin was the son of Mustapha, a poor tailor. He was a lazy boy and played all day long. After his father died, his mother earned money by spinning cotton.
One day, a wicked magician met Aladdin in the marketplace. He said, “You must be the son of my brother Mustapha. Take there gold coins for your mother and tell her I will visit her tomorrow.”
Aladdin’s mother was puzzled when she heard this. She knew that Aladdin had no uncle. The magician came the next day. “I left home long ago after a fight with my brother,” he said. “To show how sorry I am, I want to set Aladdin up in a shop and make his fortune.”
The magician bought Aladdin fine clothes and gifts. He also put a ring on his finger. He then took Aladdin past the city gates till they came to a lonely place. They stopped near a huge stone and the magician uttered some magic words. The stone rolled aside and a hole appeared in the ground.

Text Box:  The magician told Aladdin to go down the steps which led to a hall, where there would be a lamp. “Bring me that lamp,” he said. Aladdin went down the steps into the hall. He saw trunks filled with precious stones and sparkling gold. Aladdin found the lamp. He also filled his pockets with as many precious stones as he could.
Aladdin hen climbed up the steps. The magician asked for the lamp. “Help me out first,” said Aladdin. This made the magician very angry. He uttered some magic words and the stone rolled back into place. Aladdin was trapped.
The poor boy was so afraid that he joined his hands in the prayer. As he did so, he happened to rub the ring that the magician had put on his finger. A huge genie appeared before him.“What is your command, Master?” he said. “Get me out of here!” said Aladdin. In a trice, he was out in the open again. Aladdin ran home with the lamp and all the treasure that he had collected. His mother listened eagerly as Aladdin told her about his adventure.
The next day, when his mother was cleaning the lamp in the courtyard, the same genie who had appeared to Aladdin stood before her. “What is your command?” he said. “Bring us fine food,” said Aladdin. At once the genie laid delicious food before them.
Now Aladdin and his mother began living on comfort. One day Aladdin saw the sultan’s daughter. He wanted to marry her. So he sent his mother some jewels to the sultan to ask for her hand in marriage. The sultan was delighted. He said, “Tell Aladdin to send me forty gold basins filled with jewels. He can then marry my daughter.” rubbed the magic lamp once again. Soon forty slaves appeared, carrying basins of jewels. Aladdin’s mother led them to the palace. The sultan was overjoyed. “I shall be delighted to have Aladdin marry my daughter,” he said. Aladdin ordered the genie to build a fine palace for the princess. The marriage took place with great pomp and show in that fine palace.
Meanwhile, the magician learnt about Aladdin’s good fortune. He knew it was because of the magic lamp. He decided to get that lamp. So he disguised himself as a lamp seller and stood outside Aladdin’s palace, crying,  “New lamps for old!”
The princess heard this and told her maid to exchange Aladdin’s old lamp for a new one. Once the magician got hold of the magic lamp, he rubbed it and the genie appeared. “Take this palace and the princess to my country,” he ordered. The genie did as he was told. Aladdin discovered what had happened, he did not know what to do. He joined his hand in prayer. In doing so, he rubbed the ring. The genie appeared. Aladdin told him to bring back his princess.
Soon the palace and the princess appeared before him. Aladdin set the genie free, and he and his wife lived happily ever after.

Snow White
A long time ago, a child was born to a queen and king and she was called Snow White.  When the queen died, the king married again.  This new queen was wicked and hated Snow white.  The queen gave orders that Snow White was to be treated as a servant.
Snow White grew very beautiful and one day a Prince riding by, saw her at work and fell in love with her.
The queen was beautiful too, and every day she asked her Magic Mirror, "Who is the fairest in the land?" and the mirror always answered, "You are the fairest one of all".
But one day the mirror answered Snow White was the fairest in the land, and in a rage the queen gave orders to one of her Huntsmen to take Snow White into the woods and kill her.
The Huntsman had a kind heart and couldn't do the deed so told her to run away.  She fled into the woods where Seven little dwarfs lived.  Their house was small and strange.
Snow White entered the little house and finding it very untidy, started to clean up.  Upstairs she found seven little beds.  She was very tired and stretching out on one of the beds, was soon asleep.
When the Dwarfs came home they were surprised to find Snow White and after some argument, decided to let her stay.  She promised to cook and look after them.
The Queen discovered where Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch, took a poisoned apple and set out for the Dwarfs cottage.  She gave Snow White the poisoned apple to eat and as soon as she bit the apple, she sank into unconsciousness.
Thinking she was dead, the Dwarfs built a glass coffin and put her in it. For days she lay in the forest in her glass coffin.  One day, the Prince was riding through the forest looking for Snow White and found her.  He leaned over and kissed her.  She opened her eyes and sat up with a smile. Everyone was happy.  The Prince took Snow White to his palace where they were married and lived happily ever after.

The Real Story of Pinocchio
Once upon a time, Gepetto, an old woodsman, living in the great Italian pine forest, was lonely. He always dreamed about having a son.
Each day, he went cutting woods for the town’s people. One day, an idea illuminated his mind, the idea of crafting a puppet, which he will call it Pinocchio. He crafted that puppet and during the night, the puppet becomes alive!
One year of happiness and thriller passed, on a Sunday morning, Gepetto told Pinocchio:
‘’It’s my birthday soon, my little son! I hope you didn’t forget it!’’
‘’Euh, sure, I didn’t!’’
Pinocchio felt awkward. He didn’t thought about that. Gepetto’s birthday was coming in only three days, and he hadn’t even a present.
After a long night of reflecting, Pinocchio finally decided to offer a homemade chocolate cake to him as a present.
When the sun rose, Pinocchio was already ready to go outside find the ingredients. The main problem was he didn’t even known the in and the recipe.
So after school, he decided to go ask someone for the ingredients to bake a cake. During his walk, Pinocchio, the wooden puppet, met the town’ssorcerer.‘’Hey, little boy, do you need some help for your chocolate cake?’’
‘’Hum…You can help me?’’, asked Pinocchio.
‘’Sure, I can. Follow me!’’
After walking few minutes so, Pinocchio saw a big, big, big candy house. They entered together and Pinocchio got caught by a big cage.
‘’Mouahahaha!!! I finally caught you! You’ll be mine, you’re gonna work for me!’’, said the evil sorcerer.
Pinocchio was so scared. When the guards came and took him out of the cage, he immediately ran away very fast and he succeeded to escape.
At the same time, the evil sorcerer, calling all his troops with him, ran after him and he took out his magic wand. The evil devil changed the little wooden puppet into a chocolate cake!
When he came back home, he told the entire story to his father and they went to find the god fairy.
After a long trip, they finally find the god fairy and they got the magical potion for Pinocchio.

The Golden Cucumber (Timun Mas) and Cinderella Drama


Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. The term comes from a Greek word meaning action (Classical Greek:δρᾶμα, drama), which is derived from the verb meaning to do or to act (Classical Greek: δράω, draō). The enactment of drama in theatre, performed by actors on a stage before an audience, presupposes collaborative modes of production and a collective form of reception. Thestructure of dramatic texts, unlike other forms of literature, is directly influenced by this collaborative production and collective reception. The early modern tragedy Hamlet (1601) by Shakespeare and the classical Athenian tragedy Oedipus the King (c. 429 BC) by Sophocles are among the masterpieces of the art of drama. A modern example is Long Day's Journey into Night by Eugene O’Neill (1956).
The two masks associated with drama represent the traditional generic division between comedy and tragedy. They are symbols of the ancient Greek Muses, Thalia and Melpomene. Thalia was the Muse of comedy (the laughing face), while Melpomene was the Muse of tragedy (the weeping face). Considered as a genre of poetry in general, the dramatic mode has been contrasted with theepic and the lyrical modes ever since Aristotle's Poetics (c. 335 BC)—the earliest work of dramatic theory.
The use of "drama" in the narrow sense to designate a specific type of play dates from the 19th century. Drama in this sense refers to a play that is neither a comedy nor a tragedy—for example, Zola's Thérèse Raquin (1873) or Chekhov's Ivanov (1887). It is this narrow sense that the film and television industry and film studies adopted to describe "drama" as a genre within their respective media. "Radio drama" has been used in both senses—originally transmitted in a live performance, it has also been used to describe the more high-brow and serious end of the dramatic output of radio.
Drama is often combined with music and dance: the drama in opera is generally sung throughout; musicals generally include both spoken dialogue and songs; and some forms of drama have incidental music or musical accompaniment underscoring the dialogue (melodrama and Japanese , for example). In certain periods of history (the ancient Roman and modern Romantic) some dramas have been written to be read rather than performed, In improvisation, the drama does not pre-exist the moment of performance; performers devise a dramatic script spontaneously before an audience.  Here is the example of the drama.
Golden Cucumber (Timun Mas)

Act 1
Once upon a time, in a place deep inside the forest, there were a green giant named Buto Ijo and a sacred hermit. They were best friends since toddlers. One day, the hermit came to the grotto to see his best friend.

Hermit            : Is anybody home? [Walks inside the grotto]
Buto Ijo          : I’m here.
Hermit            : There you are my best friend, what are you doing?
Buto Ijo          : Eating. Isn’t it obvious?
Hermit            : Oh… I see. What are you eating?
Buto Ijo          : [No response, just continue eating]
Hermit            : You’re so annoying! Can I have some?
Buto Ijo          : [Turns his body away, not willing to share his foods with the hermit]
Hermit            : [Angry] As usual, you never share me your foods though I always
            shared mine to you! You are stingy giant! I loathe you!
Buto Ijo          : Do I care??! [Continue eating]
Hermit            : Oneday your greed will get its return! Don’t regret it! I’m leaving!
[Gets out of the grotto with anger]

Act 2
One day, there was a pleasant couple. They lived in a village near the forest. They lived happily. Unfortunately, they didn’t have any children yet. Everyday they prayed to God for a child.

Mother             : Oh God… please give us a child. I promise I will always protect my
child. I want in everyday in my life colored by crying and laughing of a baby    
till I can not wait she is getting older. I really want to have a child, God. [crying]

The green giant, Buto Ijo, coincidentally passed by the couple’s house. He heard what they were praying for.

Buto Ijo            : Whoa…ha…ha…ha! I heard that!
Mother             : [gasps] Oh my God! W-What is that?
Buto Ijo            : I’m Buto Ijo, the king of the giant in the forest.
Father              : [comes toward his wife] What’s with the noise? Who is that, honey?
Mother             : Oh my husband, Buto Ijo is in front of our house. I’m scared. He will
            kill both of us!
Buto Ijo            : [get in the couple’s house] Whoa…ha…ha…ha… I’m not going to kill you.   
  But I will fulfill your request. You want to have a child, aren’t you?
Father              : You are just joking, aren’t you?[didn’t believe]
Buto Ijo            : No…No… I’m serious, yes, I’m really serious. If you don’t believe me,
                          it doesn’t matter.
Mother             : All right… All right. My husband, let’s see what he can do to help us. Who 
                        knows he can help us, darling.
Buto Ijo            : [Gives the seeds] Look! here are some cucumber seeds. Plant these
                           seeds, then you’ll get a daughter.
Father              : Do you mean it? It’s so easy.
Buto Ijo            : Yes, I do. But remember, on her seventeenth birthday, I’ll come
                          back to take that girl.
Mother             : Oh, husband… please I want a child! Let’s try his offer!
Father              : But… Oh well, if you insist, I’ll take his offer.
Mother             : [Bows down] Oh, thank you, husband! Thank you a lot, Buto Ijo!
Buto Ijo            : Whoa…ha…ha…ha. See you again seventeen years from now, humans.
                          And remember your promise. [Go away]

Act 3
The next day, the couple planted the seeds. Months later, a cucumber grew in the yard. The cucumber was getting bigger and bigger each day and also the color is strange and changed into golden cucumber. One day, when the cucumber is ripe, Mother and father cut it into two parts. To be surprise, they found a little girl inside the cucumber and named Timun Mas as she was borne from a big golden cucumber. Years passed by years and Timun Mas grew into a lovely girl. Her parents were very proud of her; however, Her parent’s hearts was so sad when they remembered their promise to Buto Ijo. They then remembered that there was a sacred hermit living inside the forest. So they went there for begging help.

Father              : Excuse us.
Hermit              : [no respond]
Mother             : Excuse us. Are you Hermit?
Hermit : [opens his eyes] Who are both of you?
Mother             : My name is Sarni.
Father              : I’m Parman, her husband.
Father&Mother: We are farmers living in the village near the forest.
Hermit : [rising his eyebrows] So,what do you want from me?
Father              : We need your help.
Hermit : Okay, tell me the whole story.

The couple told the hermit about their wish and how Buto Ijo fulfilled it. And also the promise they made with the Giant. The hermit listened to them carefully as him nodded for the umpteenth time, until the couple finished their story.

Hermit              : As expected, Buto Ijo did horrible thing. He is very greed. We                          
            need to do something till he changes his behavior.
Mother             : Please, good Hermit, help us. [crying] Don’t let Buto Ijo take one our dearest
                          daughter. She’s been with us for seventeenth years.
Father              : My wife is right, good hermit. What shall we do?
Hermit             : Please be calm and stop crying.

Then, they were thinking so hard while walking around in order to find the solution for saving Timun Mas from Buto Ijo. After a few minutes, Hermit found the solution for Timun mas.

They                 : Ahaaaaaaa…
Hermit              : What is ‘ahhhhaaaa’?
Mother             : [confusing] I’m only following you.
Hermit              : As we know, Buto Ijo is a bad giant. He is very greedy and never help other.                   Look, here is the magic bag. There is all the things that Timun Mas needs to                                help her run away from the giant.
Father              : [Takes the magic bag] Are you sure it will escape her from the giant?
Hermit             : Believe me, it will. Buto Ijo must be punished for his behavior.
Mother             : Thank you very much, good hermit! You are my hero. Now I’m gonna give
  it to my daughter.
Hermit              : Waaaaaiiiit…..!
Father              : What else, good Hermit?
Hermit              : “Wani piro????”
Father              : Hadeeeeeeehh. You’re seem like Buto Ijo.
Hermit              : Just kidding broooooow.

Act 4
It so happened that one day on Timun Mas’s seventeenth birthday, Buto
Ijo came for the couple’s promise.

Buto Ijo            : Whoa…ha…ha... Hey, peasant, where is your lovely daughter? I come
                          here to pick her up. Remember the promise you said to me!
Father              : Please be patient, Buto Ijo. Timun Mas, my daughter, is playing in the
Buto Ijo            : What a shit! I know you’re lying! But never mind, I’ll find her by
                          myself! [Turns away to find Timun Mas]
Father              : I’m glad he’s gone. Timun Mas, come here, child.
Timun Mas       : Yes, daddy, I’m coming. Who’s that?
Mother             : He is Buto Ijo, the green giant. For some reason, he’s looking for you.
                          I’m sure he’ll come back here soon.
Timun Mas       : Oh my God, I’m so scared, daddy. what’ll he do to me?
Father              : Listen to me, Timun Mas, all you have to do is run away from him.
                          [Gives the magic bag  to Timun Mas] Take this bag with you. It contains
                          everything that you need to escape yourself from Buto Ijo.
Timun Mas       : What should I do with these?
Father              : Throw each of them when the giant gets closer to you. These will help
                          you get away from the giant. Do you understand, honey?
Timun Mas       : But, what about you, mom and dad?
Mother             : Don’t worry about us. We can… Oh my God, the giant is coming! Now, run,
                          Timun Mas! Run as fast as you can! Be careful, honey!
TimunMas        : Thank you, mom,dad! You too please take care of yourselves!
                          [Runs away]

Act 5
After that, the giant chased Timun Mas and he was getting closer and closer. She grabbed something from the magic bag and got a banana. Then she threw the banana to Buto Ijo and he fell down.

Timun Mas       : That’s for you evil giant!
Buto Ijo            : [Smirks] Ho…ho…ho. You think you can run away from me! No way
                          in hell! Whoa…ha…ha…ha. C’mon I’ll get you! [he jump on the banana                          and fell down] Ooow my back. It is so hurt.
Timun Mas       : Poor you Buto Ijo, your back is hurt.
Buto Ijo            : Waiting for me little girl[running and trying to catch Timun Mas while hold                           his hurt back]
TimunMas        : Oh no! He’s getting closer to me. There’s no choice!

And then she took the chili seeds and threw them at the giant. Suddenly
the seeds grew into thorns as sharp as a knife.

Timun Mas       : Feel this one, bad big green giant!
Buto Ijo            : Ouch…Ouch! What the hell these seeds grew into thorns?? It hurts
Timun Mas       : Feel that, evil creature!
Buto Ijo            : So, do you want to play with me huh? You’ll regret it when you lose!
TimunMas        : Oh no! He is still chasing me! I must run faster!

Once again, the giant almost caught Timun Mas. So, Timun Mas took the some cookies to fool Buto Ijo.

Timun Mas       : Stoop! Buto Ijooo??
Buto Ijo            : What?
Timun Mas       : I have something new.
Buto Ijo            : [curious to know]
Timun Mas       : But, close your eyes first.
Buto Ijo            : Noo noo.. You will run away if I close my eyes.
Timun Mas       : Absolutely not. This is it.  [take some cookies from her magic bag]
                          This is new oreo with orange flavour.
Buto Ijo            : Hah.. Orange flavour.. [confuse]
Timun Mas       : Let me show you to eat it. Please follow me! [take the cookie] twisted it,                                 liked it, then dipped in the milk…. It’s served.
Buto Ijo            : Yummy… It is so delicious.
TimunMas        : [leaving Buto Ijo] Hosh…Hosh…Oh I’m out of breath. But the giant was                   eating the cookies. This is my chance to run away!
Buto Ijo            : [Yawns] Whoaaah…I’m very sleepy. I want to sleep first. After that I’ll
                          find Timun Mas. Wait for me girl, I’ll come and make you my dinner

Timun Mas kept on running as fast as she could. But soon she was very tired. And the situation was getting worse as the giant had woken up.

Buto Ijo            : Whoaaah…I’m fresh again! Where is Timun Mas? Hey, Timun Mas, you
can’t run away from me. I’ll get you! Hohoho…Timun Mas… Timun Mas…  
where are you, little girl??
Timun Mas       : Oh, God, he has woken up! What should I do? Please help me![hiding]
Buto Ijo            : So, you want to play hide and seek, don’t you? Where are you? C’mon,
                          c’mon little girl… come to your papa!
Timun Mas       : Oh God! Please help me!!
Buto Ijo            : There you are, little girl! One more step and I’ll catch you!
Timus Mas       : What should I do? Help me please…

When Timun Mas has nothing to do to escape herself from buto Ijo, suddenly, the old woman came.

Buto Ijo            : Here you are little girl…
Timun Mas       : No….
Buto’s Mom     : What are you doing Buto Ijo? [staring at Buto Ijo]
Buto Ijo            : [shock] AW, AW, AW, AW
Buto’s Mom     : [confusing]
Buto Ijo            : Mom, I’m hungry after chasing Timun Mas. Can I get AW?
Buto’s Mom     : What? Don’t trying to make me confuse. Let’s go home and stop chasing                      her! [twisting Buto’s ear]
Buto Ijo            : It hurts mommy. Ouch… help me…
Buto’s Mom     : Oh my Godness. Why are you wearing your father’s pants? Your bad habits  
never changes. Let’s go home and change your pants! Naughty  boy![slapping him]
Buto Ijo            : Ouch… mom, stop mom.. help me.. help me..
Timun Mas       : Poor you Buto Ijo. Bye.. bye…

Buto Ijo was very scared to his mother and trying to go away from her. Then, Timun Mas came back home and met her mother and father. She told all the experience that she had with Buto Ijo.

Timun Mas       : Mother…father… where are you? I’m back home.
Mother             : My lovely daughter.    You’re back. Are you ok?
Timun Mas       : I’m ok mom. However, I’m tired after running away from Buto Ijo.
Mother             : Do you need anything? Drink, food, ….. or anything?
Timun Mas       : Stop mom, I’m alright thanks.
Father              : Oh dear. You’re saved. Thanks God, you saved my daughter.
Timun Mas       : Yes father. I’m saved. And we can live together without any fear of Buto Ijo

Finally, Timun Mas and her parent lived happily without any fear of Buto Ijo. Furthermore, Buto Ijo became a good giant. He helped every farmers who needed a help and became a good friend with Timun Mas.


 Once upon a time there live beautiful young girl, called Cinderella. Her mother is dead, but her father Lord Basil, has second wife now. Her name is Sybil. She is a horrible woman. She has a daughter her name Alice. She is horrible too and very ugly. They live in same house. Some day Cinderella’s father went to work to another country and leave her alone with her step family. Her step family pretended Cinderella like a servant.

Scene 1                  In the Cinderella’s house

Alice                : Cinderella... Cinderella...!
Cinderella        : Wait, I’m coming. Why do you call me?
Alice                : Look at that, the floor is dirty, clean it quickly!
Cinderella        : Okay, I will take a broom in terrace
Alice                : No.. no you must ironing my dress first
Cinderella        :  I will ironing your dress after cleaning the floor
Alice                : Did you hear me? You must ironing my dress first. I have rule that you must obey.       If you didn’t duty you know what will happened to you!
Sybil                : What’s happen in here?
Alice                : No mom, nothing.
Sybil                : Cinderella,  clean the floor and cook some food quickly.
Cinderella        : Okay mom

It usually happen everyday. Cinderella got big punishes everyday.

Scene 2                  One day in the castle, there was a charming prince. His named Prince. His parents wanted him to marry quickly, but he is always disagree. Afer that, the Kingdom will make a party to choose a wife for prince. Then the guard spread that party to all houses in the country. Every girl had could come to that party. Then the Guard had come to the Cinderella’s house.

The guard        : Attention, for all ladies in this country. Prince invited you to come his dance party. Every lady can come. That party will be at Saturday night this week. Thanks for your attention.

Cinderella wanted to come to that party. Unlucky, her step mother didn’t give permission to go there and always gave her heavy tasks and punishes. At the time for party, Cinderella felt very sad. She wanted come there, but she couldn’t do it. Her stepmother didn’t let her went there.

Cinderella        : Mom, I have finished to wish the dashes and clean the floor
Sybil                : All right. Now clean the window
Cinderella        : But I have done last 3 hours ago, Mom
Sybil                :                      Oh... DO IT AGAIN!!!

Cinderella felt very sad by doing the task. Suddenly, a kind fairy came to her. The fairy wanted to help Cinderella.

Cinderella        :            Oh God. I wait to come to that party. But i can’t. I have to finish it first. Heyy...what is that?? Who are you?
Fairy                :  Don’t be afraid. I’m just a fairy. I come to help you.
Cinderella        :  Thank you
Fairy                : Then, this... now you can go there. But, remember, my magic just can until 12                              o’clock this midnight. So, you have to go home before the bells ring.
Cinderella        : Okay thank you, I understand.
Fairy                : You’re welcome. Let’s wear it! I’m in here, and you can go there.

Scene 3                  In the palace there was a big party. Many beautiful young ladies attended the party. In that party, the Prince bored. All ladies invited Prince to dance with them. But the Prince didn’t want to do it.

Alice                : Will you dance with me?
Prince              : I’m sorry, but i can’t. Thanks for your invitation.
Alice                : Don’t worry. I can have dance with my friends.
2 minutes later........
Alice                : That’s impossible. I’m more beautiful than the other girls in the room, but he           didn’t want with me.
Sybil                :  Honey maybe the prince was nervous because you’re very beautiful

Cinderella went to the party and she came lately, the Prince surprised with her and felt falling in love to her. But, no one knew if she was Cinderella except Cinderella, God, and the Fairy. Cinderella looked very beautiful. She looked like was beautiful Princess from the Castle in other country.

Prince              : Oh, God. Thanks. You give me a pretty woman........ Hi lady, will you dance with me?
Cinderella:              Sure

The music begins again and everyone is dancing. Time is running so fast and then they hear the clock strike 12 midnight.

Cinderella        : Oh! It’s already midnight. I’ve to go. No, I’ve to run. Goodbye. I really have a great time.
Prince              : Wait!! What’s your name? Where do you live? May do I know your parents?

As Cinderella running, she loses one of her slippers. The Prince picks it up and decides to keep it, so that he can find this beautiful lady again. Prince commanded to all the guards to take around the slipper and go to every house to find the mysterious lady.

Scene 4                  In the next day, Prince and his guard looked for the owner of that slipper. But, no can use it. Then they came to the Cinderella’s house.

The Guard       : Excuse me... excuse me!
Sybil                : Wait, wait... I’m coming. Oh Prince, why are you came here?
The Guard       : Prince will look for the owner it and will marry with the owner. Did your daughter come to the party last night?
Sybil                : Oh yes... She came to the party
The Guard       : Call her now!!
Sybil                : Alice....! Come here!
Alice                : Why mom? Oh, Prince
The Guard       : Okay, try this shoe on!
Alice                : Look at me, the princess is me. Oh my God, the shoe is too small. Why this shoe
 didn’t fit with my foot.
Prince              : Don’t force it.
Cinderella is singing in the kitchen.
Prince              : What is that? Let me check it. Hey who are you?
Cinderella        : Hi prince. I am …
Sybil                :  She is just a servant
Prince              : Try this!
Sybil                : But, Prince, she just a servant
Prince              : I don’t care
The Guard       : Wonderful!! Prince, she is your lady
Prince              : Oh Cinderella, will you marry me?
Cinderella        : Sure my Prince
Prince              : Okay, let’s go to the castle
Cinderella        : Yeah... but
Sybil                :  Uhmm... Cinderella follow what the Prince said! And sorry for our pretended to                             you
Cinderella        :  Don’t worry. I have forgiven you in the first time. And I want to you to live in the castle with us.
Alice                : Oh, Cinderella. You’re a perfect lady. Thank you very much
Cinderella        : You’re welcome
Prince              : Come on Cinderella
Cinderella        : Yes, Prince

And then, Cinderella and Prince went to the castle. Finally, Cinderella and prince married. Cinderella’s steps family lived with them in the castle. They didn’t pretended Cinderella like a servant anymore. And they lived happily ever after in the castle.